Jennifer Tudor

Jennifer Tudor, a Magnet Program Director, uses StaffGarden Grow to monitor the progress of all her nurses at a glance of a mobile device.

Nursing excellence.

As the Magnet Program Director for a hospital system in the California Bay Area, Jennifer brings a wealth of experience in driving excellence in nursing. Her insights into the impact of StaffGarden's Grow platform on tracking nurse applications, projects, and overall program adaptability offer a valuable lens for organizations aiming to elevate their CLPs to gain and maintain Magnet Recognition.

An investment in insight.

[Not only is] the individual experience improved for the end user, but the governing body can see globally what's happening on all levels – I can see nurses' applications and projects to figure out how many nurses used a given piece of evidence in their clinical ladders using a one-click filter… it's accessible, [people] can do it from a phone or from home.
StaffGarden’s Grow platform also provides visibility for preceptors and administrators like Jennifer to easily monitor the status of all nurses' applications and track their progress at a glance. Through features such as automated notifications and a range of options for evidence submission formats, Grow tears down the walls of paperwork blocking visibility into the state of hospitals’ nursing populations. 

It's worth it.

Clinical laddering is a no-brainer investment because it decreases turnover, because nurse turnover is an insane cost... [my hospital] wants to expand access to not just hospital-based nurses but ambulatory nurses, case managers, the respiratory therapy program, CNAs, technicians… it's not just nurses that need professional development, it's everyone.
StaffGarden Grow provides flexible and scalable dashboards with customizable filters to aggregate organizational data across the CLP. This reveals actionable insights into nurse certifications, locations, and progress towards organizational goals. The platform eliminates the pitfalls associated with other digital systems, delivering on the promise of genuine transformation in nurse engagement, visibility, and organizational excellence.
It's absolutely worth it… [StaffGarden Grow] lets you see what you're doing in a broader way [that’s] impossible with Excel. I can filter to see anything I want to see, I can see if someone is actively working, their progress, status… [Grow] gives you a lot of information which is great.

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