Lori Michel

Lori Michel found that the ease of access and visibility provided by Grow improved the efficiency of Peterson Health's CLP.

Breaking the paperwork barriers.

Lori’s role as the Clinical Coordinator for Nursing Services at Peterson Health positions her at the intersection of clinical practice and program administration. Her perspective on the benefits of StaffGarden's Grow platform, particularly in eliminating administrative burdens and enhancing visibility, provides a real-world perspective for institutions considering a transition to digital CLPs.

Magnet excellence at all levels.

We have the ability to see at a glance how many nurses are leveling, applying, which nurses have BSNs, certifications, et cetera using the e-portfolio and resume functions within StaffGarden. [This] data is useful for Magnet reporting since we’re able to show an increase in BSNs, certifications, and points to encourage nurses to fulfill Magnet criteria right on the webpage.
As Peterson Health transitioned from binders to StaffGarden Grow’s digital storage, Lori found that the ease of access and visibility provided by Grow significantly improved the efficiency of their CLP. 
Mid-level managers [are] responding very positively, [they’re] excited about how much easier the process is, and [they] don't have to sit at a desk to review all the applications.

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